Monday, October 26, 2015

Sunday Funday

Sunday was a pretty good day for me. Mike and I woke up decently early and were up and out of bed by 9:30am! I made myself the most perfect egg to go on my jumbo bagel, it was delicious. It also looked like an egg pancake and I was able to flip it perfectly and didn't make a mess. Go me!

After breakfast I did a little tidying up in the kitchen and threw our new glasses from the wedding registry into the dishwasher so we can start using them. :]

Saturday night we ran out to Game Stop before picking up some Mexican food for dinner. I am a huge Jurassic Park fan, I can watch those movies all day everyday and they will never get old. So naturally when I found out they were coming out with Lego Jurassic World, I needed it.

After I finished tidying up, we moved our love seat to about 2 feet in front of our TV, got a blanket to snuggle and played Lego Dinosaurs for about 2 hours before it was time for Football.
Since I'm not a HUGE football fan like Mike is, I decided it was a good time to run out to Target and get a bunch of things I didn't need and the two thing I did need.

New Sweater from Target

It was a good thing I opted for a basket instead of a cart at Target, I wanted everything and I was lucky I was limited by the basket or I might have just gotten EVERYTHING.

Fall table cloth

When we moved in, the previous tenant had offered us his fridge, kitchen table and washer and dryer for $300. It was something we couldn't pass up because we only had  a table and it would have cost us upwards of $2500 to buy everything new. Unfortunately the table is always sticky. No matter what I used to try and clean it. It really needs to be sanded and refinished, but until then I got this cure table cloth for the fall.

After Target, we decided to go out and visit my Maid of Honor at the bar she was working at for a few drinks. Out of 3 rounds, we only paid for 1 because everyone else in the bar was buying! Then it was off to Mikes parents house to eat some chili dogs and watch some football.

We were going to call it a early night, and left his parents house at 8:30pm. When we got a block away from our house we decided we wanted to go for a cruise. Even though we were exhausted already, we decided to go down to the beach. As fun as it was to go on a little mini random adventure, it was FREEZING. Neither of us were clothed approximately for the window and cold sand. We walked up by the water for a little bit, the moon was almost full so it was very well lit and very pretty. I found a perfectly shaped shell! By the time we got back to the car I couldn't feel my toes because of course I was wearing sandals at the end of October. We were both so extremely tired by the time we got home we both knocked out as soon as we hit our pillows.

Longbranch Beach

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