Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Garnier Clean + Blackhead removing scrub review

Garnier Clean +

Now, this says that it's for oily skin, I DO NOT have oily skin! But I love this stuff either way. I've used it for about a week and I can actually tell a difference in how my skin looks. I am lucky to say that I don't have acne. I do suffer from the occasional pimple due to hormones or stress, but it's nothing horrifying. I really only have black heads around my nose and this clears them out and makes my pores look smaller.
I grabbed the tiny bottle at Target for $1.99 just because the Charcoal intrigued me and it was cheap. It is more grainy than any of my other "scrub" face washes and it doesn't dry me out like the others do. I thought maybe because it said that it was for oily skin that it might actually dry my skin out more and I was very surprised it didn't.
I am currently trying to find a face routine that works for me and I think this might need to be a staple. I am going to the dermatologist next week and I will see what he has to say about it or if he knows of anything better that I haven't already tried.
I have been using Neutrogena Naturals acne foaming scrub for a really long time, but  I would always have to slather on my moisturizer heavy afterwards because it just dried by skin out a lot.
I am really happy with this product and I am glad I picked it up on a whim. (As I really didn't need a new face wash!)

Until next time! xoxo

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