Monday, January 14, 2013

Playing house wife.

My mother is in the hospital right now, she's fine but they don't know what is wrong with her. She's staying the night and in the morning she is going for a stress test and an echocardiogram. I'm sure she'll be okay.

Since Mike was coming over for dinner, I had to find something to make! I chose to make a cream cheese stuffed chicken recipe that I found on Pinterest. I'll link you tomorrow when I'm not laying in bed updating on my phone. I've never beat chicken before, or fried anything in a pan, but I believe that dinner came out really good. I also made red beans and rice as a side. As I was in the middle of making it, my dad tells me he has to bring my mother some clothes and food to the hospital. He left before dinner was ready so it was just me and Mike alone in my house. That is something really rare, but I really enjoyed it.

It was the first time we have had dinner alone at a kitchen table. We watched How I Met Your Mother while we ate and he helped me clean up after. Then we we t upstairs and watched The House at the End of the Street. It was actually a really good movie, I didn't see the end coming at all.

It's two in the morning and I can't sleep, probably because I won't get off my phone. I love watching Mike sleep though, he always looks so peaceful. I love him so much.

I should probably get some sleep if I want to get anything done tomorrow. I guess it's time to read Dance with Dragons until I fall asleep.

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